A Little Tucked-Away-Dream!

By Yvette M. Phelps

Several years ago I started drawing on my iPad freehand with my apple pencil. It was a crazy fun and new experience for me. I am accustomed to the usual art mediums like pencils, acrylics, and oils. I especially love the feel of a paint brush against the canvas with the slick oil paint. But when I began drawing with a digital medium, I found joy in creating with color so rich it blew my mind. Some would call it saturated, but I call it pure joy!

About 10 plus years ago, as I searched for something unique, I saw some artisan handbags, but as I looked for deep colors and styles that would be satisfying, I was left wanting. I had a little tucked-away-dream that maybe one day I could design my own handbags with rich vibrant color. It didn’t take long for me to doubt this possibility so I tucked it away again and again.

It feels to me that God has opened a door for this dream to become a reality. I have tremendous hope that there is more to come!

So, today I am so excited to present my Africa Dreaming Tote (Handbag).

Stay tuned, as more designs will be displayed soon.


The Story Behind Africa Dreaming


A Brand New Website